Adrenals, Krebs' Cycle, Low Blood Sugar and Exhaustion
•Posted on November 11 2021

Before I start, some of this information was taken from several articles and books. All the links are in the bibliography.
Exhaustion is such a broad term and can mean different things to different people. The level and feelings of exhaustion are as broad as the universe. The one thing they all have in common is the body not fully connecting with all aspects of itself including not being able to break down food into energy disrupting the Krebs Cycle and putting stress onto the adrenals and other organs and systems. Because the body cannot fully create energy producing enzymes the body is left feeling tired and exhausted no matter how much sleep, rest or caffeine the body intakes.
Let me first explain the concepts of how energy is produced in the body. Food is the man source of energy for the cells in the body. The food consumed is broken down into smaller molecules that the cells can use either as a source of energy or building block of other molecules. When food is digested the proteins are broken down into amino acids; polysaccharides are broken down into sugars; and fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol are small organic molecules that are the parent compound of many small molecules in the cell including phospholipids (Eunsook S. Jin). Phospholipids act as a major component of cellular membranes and facilitate the absorption and transportation of important omega-3 fats throughout the body (Dotson).
Once food is digested, the small molecules derived from food enter the cytosol of the cell, where the energy producing cycle begins (Alberts B). The cytosol of the cell is the water-based solution in which organelles, proteins, and other cell structures float (Anne Marie Helmenstine). The cytosol of any cell allows the functions of life to take place.
Picture from Cytosol Vs. Cytoplasm - Biology Wise
As the body digests and breaks down the food into glucose each molecule of glucose is then broken down into two smaller molecules of pyruvate, this process is called glycolysis. Pyruvate is the final product of glycolysis which is converted into acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA’s main function is to deliver the acetyl group to the citric acid cycle aka Krebs’ Cycle to be oxidized for energy production (Shasha Zhang). When there is not enough oxygen, pyruvate is broken down into lactic acid. During pyruvate formation, two types of activated carrier molecules are produced, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen).
Carrier molecules are typically involved in the transport of biological compounds such as proteins, DNA or RNA, electrons or protons including ions. Carrier proteins can transport other molecules such as ions, sugars, fats or peptides through the cell membrane (BioSynthesis).
ATP or adenosine triphosphate is the universal energy yielding molecule. ATP captures energy obtained by the breakdown of food molecules and releases it to fuel other cellular processes. Humans cannot survive, even for a second without a constant supply of ATP.
NADH or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen is a naturally occurring chemical in the body and with ATP assists in generating energy.
As the food molecules continue breaking down in the mitochondria, the acetyl group in acetyl CoA is linked to coenzyme A through a high energy bonding and is thus transferred to other molecules. Coenzyme A’s role is the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids and the oxidation of pyruvate in the Krebs Cycle (Ward Dean).
The Krebs' Cycle takes place inside the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cells) and provides energy required for the body to function. To carry out energy conversion mitochondria require oxygen. The purpose of our respiratory and circulatory systems is to deliver oxygen to the tissues for use by mitochondria, and to eliminate carbon dioxide.
The Krebs' Cycle metabolizes acetyl CoA into citric acid and then runs through a complex series of biological oxidations, producing free hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions then enter a biochemical chain, know as oxidative phosphorylation. Protein phosphorylation is an important cellular regulatory mechanism as many enzymes and receptors are activated/deactivated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events (Ward Dean).
When oxygen in unavailable or the Krebs’ cycle is inhibited, the body shifts its energy production from the Krebs’ cycle to the pathway of glycolysis (an extremely inefficient way to make energy). As well as producing far less energy, glycolysis also produces lactic acid as a byproduct (Alberts B).
The below picture was taken from Molecular Biology of the Cell 4th Edition. It was one of the better images describing energy production cycle that I could find. The image is not my own but from that book, you can find the book here.
Under normal conditions all the reactions in the Krebs’ Cycle proceed without any issues and ATP is generated. However, different conditions can alter the Krebs’ Cycle chemistry, causing it to shutdown normal energy production. When this happens besides it forming energy from glycolysis the body also forces the adrenals into overdrive, producing more cortisol to increase the energy in the body. The adrenals then take the place of the Krebs’ Cycle and become a main producer of energy, causing massive stress and exhaustion in the process.
Chronic low glucose levels stop the Krebs’ Cycle at the beginning of the processing in some cases creating the production of lactic acid and the process of the body using glycolysis to produce energy. The energy producing cycle stops there and doesn’t complete any part of the cycle.
The Krebs’ Cycle is also disturbed and hampered by overexercising or pushing the body beyond what is necessary. In other words, when working out and the person throws up, faints, blacks out or muscle’s fail, this all hampers the Krebs’ Cycle and the production or energy producing molecules. This leads to longer recovery time, fuzzy thoughts, and decrease in energy. In these circumstances the heart increases its rhythm to push oxygen into the system to oxidize the cells and the adrenals start producing cortisol and releasing that into the system increasing the release of glucose hoping to start and finish the cycle. This puts more stress on the body and added stress to the adrenal system.
Those individuals who were part of MK Ultra (Super Soldier Program) process energy in a completely different way. The chemical cocktails that they were fed on and forced to survive on completely inhibited the body’s natural ability to produce its own energy. The Krebs’ Cycle would be retarded at different stages depending on what the controlling agents wanted from the person. This trained the body to rely on the chemical cocktail and instructions from outside the body to tell the system what to do rather than allowing the body the natural process of energy production. This is why pain cannot often be felt unless required by the controlling entity and/or the person finds they can easily push through massive workouts, high stress situations, and lack of sleep without feeling any sense of exhaustion.
When the body starts to heal from the experience those people will often feel an extensive sense of exhaustion hit and flares of pain throughout different parts of the body. This is different from the controlling agents taking back control by forcing you to sleep or creating extreme pain for compliance. The exhaustion is a natural feeling of exhaustion, like there is not enough fuel in the body to produce certain processes. Unlike the intense and sudden feeling that the body needs to sleep right now, the eyes get extremely heavy with no ability to keep them open, the body feels like lead and the systems slowly start shutting down creating the intense need to sleep. When sleep happens, it is not relaxing and is normally filled with flashing images and sounds with the body being stiff and not relaxed. Pain for compliance is more intense and sporadic not aches and pain the body naturally feels from overuse or lack of nutrients. The pain for compliance is all encompassing pain where the person can’t focus on anything else, it permeates the senses and switches rapidly from location to location holding at some location for longer periods. This type of pain can last for hours or days depending. The other pain is more subtle, equated to a reminder that, that part of the body needs attention or rest. The pain dissipates easily and normally will not last for days. As uncomfortable as the exhaustion and pain is, it is a great sign of healing and disconnection from that timeline. Basically, your body is relearning to trust the natural processes of the body and use food as the source of energy instead of something outside the body.
How can someone support their body if the Krebs’ Cycle was disrupted or inhibited. Eating healthy and allowing blood sugars to naturally rise with food. Second adding additional supplements or herbs to aid in completing the cycle.
Potassium and salt help the phosphorylation of creatine to create phosphate to reform ATP and increase energy.
Adding free form branched chain amino acids supplements help in the production of energy by helping to form ATP and NADH and influencing synthesis of different neurotransmitters.
Super selenium complex supplements help the body metabolize food (starting the Krebs Cycle) and helps the thyroid function. It also protects the body from damage from stress and boosts the immune system.
Krebs Zinc contains the different forms of Krebs Cycle acids (Alpha Ketoglutaric Acid, Malic Acid, Fumaric Acid, Succinic Acid, Citric Acid, Pyruvic Acid and Pantothenic Acid). These acids are necessary to generate cellular energy for tissue fuel.
Vitamin B complex helps break glucose into ATP releasing energy from the food. Vitamin B Complex makes it possible for your body to use energy.
Boron is a powerhouse of a nutrient, it has a multitude of properties including helping in the growth and maintenance of bone; wound healing; update of estrogen, testosterone and vitamin D as well as increasing the formation of NAD.
If supplements are not your cup of tea there are several herbs that you can drink as tea or add as powder to different smoothies, soups or food that can help.
Maca much like Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb meaning that it helps bring the body back to homeostasis. Maca is packed with multiple micronutrients which help feed different energy processes in the body, including supporting and helping in the Krebs Cycle. Much like Ginseng it also is a natural energy building root.
Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb which helps bring the body back to homeostasis. It acts as a buffer and processor of the stress around the body, allowing the body to process events and stress more naturally without causing disruption. Ashwagandha also helps reduce cortisol levels, which is what your adrenal gland releases in response to stress or low blood sugar levels. Ashwagandha helps in the beginning part of the Krebs’ Cycle so that it isn’t retarded (stopped).
Bilberry helps the blood flow better in the body and creates and opens communication channels within the body helping it to fully process through the Krebs Cycle and unlocking processes in the cellular membrane. Think of it as an amplifier helping to bring to fruition the complete processes of different systems in the body.
Triphala is another adaptogenic herb that helps bring the body back into balance. Triphala’s power comes from the fact that it creates balance wherever it finds and imbalance. If the Krebs’ Cycle is disrupted, Triphala acts as the missing pieces and helps the body finish the cycle creating the key connections that are missing. It does this with any imbalance which makes it quite a powerful herb.
Holy Basil (Tulsi) is another adaptogen (you seeing a pattern here) and like Triphala, Holy Basil helps the body, mind and spirit bringing balance and energy back where it is deficient. Holy Basil helps to repair communication links throughout all bodies and cells increasing the connection and communications of all systems. Basically, if something is broken, disconnected or not functioning Holy Basil comes to the rescue and helps repair it.
Rhodiola Rosea is another adaptogen that helps increase energy, stamina, and strength in the body. It works intimately with the energy producing cycles in the body creating the missing links to processes or systems. It helps create and complete cycle in the Krebs’ Cycle, helping to release ATP and NADH and connections between mitochondrial processes and cell production. It also helps lower the cortisol levels allowing blood sugars to naturally rise.
You can find Energy Tea on sale on Alchemy Dragon Herbs under Teas. You can also check out Starwest Botanicals if you want to try or buy any of the herbs listed.
Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J et al. "Molecular Biology of the Cell 4th Edition." Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell 4th Edition. New York: Garland Science, 2002. 69-91. 11 11 2021. <>.
Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. What is Cytosol?Definition and Fuctions: What Cytosol Is and How It Differes From Cytoplasm. 14 11 2019. Webpage. 11 11 2011. <>.
BioSynthesis. What is a carrier molecule. 13 07 2020. Website. 11 11 2021. <>.
Dotson, J Dianne. What Are the Primary Functions of Phospholipids? 31 August 2018. 11 11 2021. <>.
Eunsook S. Jin, A. Dean Sherry and Craig R Mallow. "Metabolism of Glycerol, Glucose and Lactate in the Citric Acid Cycle Prior to Incorporation into Hepatic Acylglycerols." Journal of Biological Chemistry (2013): 14488-14496. 11 11 2021. <>.
Shasha Zhang, Wei Yang, Hao Chen, Bo Liu, Baixue Lin and yong Tao. Metabolic engineering for efficient supply of acetyl-CoA from different carbon souces in Escherichia coli. 06 August 2019. Website. 11 11 2021. <>.
Ward Dean, MD and Jim English. Krebs' Cycle intermediates. 22 April 2013. Website. 11 11 2021. <>.
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